(TR260FH23U) High Volume Production Vegetable Cutter, continuous feed design, large single feed hopper, handle pusher, standard ejector, stainless steel construction, 2-2/3 HP, 208-240v/60/3-ph, 8.3 amps, 2 kW, NEMA L15-20P, CE
One year labor, 2 year parts warranty
Sale Price for just the machine $6895 no attachment or any discs, blades, hopper, stand etc are "NOT" included..they are all sold sepretly
To view Optional Accessories please click on this link – http://system4.com.ua/TM/tt/upload-files/roman1/electrolux_/electro/vegetable_slicers/Electrolux-Vegetable_slicers-TR260F2V38_system4.com.ua.pdf
Please email us the Accessories part number that you would like to get a quote.
With a large choice of accessories, TR260 / 603286 is the ideal product to prepare great events in super speed with style and creativity.
TR260 is able to slice up to 2500 kg/h thanks to automatic hopper, powerful motor and to a large range of discs with great dimensions ø 300 mm.
Multiple safety devices protect the operator and block the machine in case of improper usage. Very easy to
operate and clean.
Click here to discover the TR260 range.
models: TR260 / 603429
models: TR260 / 603428
models: TR260 / 603700
models: TR260 / 600125

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