F e a t u r e s a n d S n e c i f i c a t i o n s :
Switch: Magnetic type, with low-voltage and
automatic resetting bimetallic thermal overload
p r o t e c t i o n i n t e r n a l l y m o u n t e d . S t a r t – b t o p . p u s h
buttons which prevent accidental strrt-up’in the
event of a power failure.
Transmission: All Attias Mixer shafts and gears on
t h e t w o a n d f o u r s p e e d t r a n s m i s s i o n a r e
manufactured for durability and quite, dependable
service. All of the gears are made from low carbon
AISI grade 8620 steel. This steel is carburized and
h a r d e n e d t o p r o d u c e a w e a r r e s i s t a n t s u r f a c e t h a t i s
60 to 62 Rockwell
in hardness. This process
y i e l d s s u p e r i o r w e a r r e s i s t a n c e w h i l e m a i n t a i n i n g a
softer inner core to prevent breakage under high
torque mixing applications.
To maintain quite operation, the gears have been
designed with angled or helical teeth. This design
keeps more teeth in mesh on any two mating gears
during operation. This increases the load carrying
capability and allows smoother, quieter operation.
In many mixer gear trains, the idler gears (which
simply rotate in a steel shaft) are made with no inner
diameter bushings. All Attias idler gears are bushed
to 1/16d thick Oilite bronze bushings. These
bushings are made from a special bronze material
that is impregnated with oil. This design allows
smoother quieter operation with less wear and
longer life.
Lubrication: Circulating oil lubrication furnished
to all gears. Visual type transmission oil level gauge.
fulgfu Automotive-resin acrylic enamel.
Model# USA-30:
30-quart heara-duty two speed transrnission with 2
HP-motor specially designed for heavy pizza and
bagel dough with lower gear ratios for more torque.
2HP (USA-30) and 2HP (USA-30) is high-torque,
ball bearing ventilated with mixer enclosure. The
single-phase mixer is designed with two capacitor
starts. Available in standard electrical specification
o f 2 0 8 – 1 o r 1 1 5 – V o l t s 6 0 I I z . , l P H a n d 5 0 c y c l e s f o r
international use (call manufacturer for price).
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